Review - The Fat of the Land by R.Allen Chappell

The Fat of The LandThe Fat of The Land by R. Allen Chappell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A book of short stories ... I'm not able to finish it. Although some stories were interesting, there wasn't one compelling enough to make me want to more on to the next. Perhaps the timing is wrong to read this particular book so I'll put it down for now and pick it up again another time.

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You've gotta listen to the whisper of your heart ~ TY

Review: Bone Horses by Lesley Poling-Kempes

Bone HorsesBone Horses by Lesley Poling-Kempes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a fabulous story, close to my heart. Having lived in New Mexico going on near 24 years, I can attest to this author getting every sensation, every breath of hot desert air rising just right. Her sense of place is acute and her characters live and breath in the readers mind. I hope she will write a sequel. This will be a long time favorite for me.

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The memories ...

The business of life is to make memories. 
So write your stories, draw them, immortalize them through photography … 
however you choose to do it is your choice and in doing so 
enjoy all the moments because in the end, 
the memories are all we have left.  

My boy several years ago on Isle of Palms