The Challenge

WritingImage by jjpacres via Flickr
“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.”
~~~ Eleanor Roosevelt
I am challenging myself to write something each day, either a creative story telling of some form or a creative business communications piece. Today, I was rather prolific having written two website copy items for a friend who is building her Sweetgrass Basketry business in South Carolina and a crafted lead generation letter for a friend who is a Business Development Specialist in Massachusetts. Working virtually is wonderful affording me the ability to chat with people across the country.
Tomorrow I plan to work on a thousand-word short story using the prompts rain, sailboat and shame. I stumbled upon a website that called for submission of a short story using those three prompts. I have not actually decided if I will submit it to the website, I am more interested in knowing if I can create something, with which I can build my confidence as a fiction writer. Wish me luck!
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