My Summer Silhouette (500 word challenge for ReadWave)

I entered This new post on ReadWave for their 500-word challenge with the prompt "A Summer You'll Never Forget."

There wasn't anything better than watching the sun set behind the trees. I loved those moments when I had already showered and dressed for the night out with friends, and I'd sit on the porch to watch the sun slowly go down and the colors shift until the blue of the night started to creep in on me. Then, I'd listen for the night sounds and the cars coming down the road. Jen would pick me up, and we'd head out for an evening of friends, cold beer, and dancing to music that poured out of cars and trucks all parked along the grassy area down the road. The dark was sometimes moonlit and other times lit by a small bonfire. I'd watch to see if his truck was there or if I recognized his silhouette or deep laugh. When we met, he always smiled happily and had a kind word and a wink for me. What I wouldn't do for a date with him. But he was older by two years, and although we said "Hi" each time we saw each other, I couldn't shake the feeling he thought I was just a kid. Two years is a huge difference when you're a teenager. Still, my excitement grew each time, and just a wink or a smile was good enough for me. Jen would mercilessly tease me, asking if I had gotten my smile. She had her own silhouette she followed on those dark nights, hoping for her own dream boy.

During the day, we swam, tanned, and drank lemonade while dreaming of someday having a date with our dream boys. We only saw the boys a little during the day. They were off fixing their trucks, working part-time, or just playing sports and hanging out with each other. Almost midway through the summer, on a hot, steamy day, I hung on to the side of the pool with my eyes closed, enjoying the cool water and the sun on my face when a shadow blocked the sun. I opened my eyes and squinted to see that familiar silhouette above me. As my eyes adjusted, I saw his big smile and heard him say, "Mind if I join you?" Stunned, I stumbled over my words, saying, "of course," but that didn't make sense, and I apologized, feeling like I made a fool of myself. My face burned, but not because of the sun. He sat at the edge of the pool, slipped in smoothly, and swam to the other side. I just watched him as he swam, and then he came up right beside me, his green eyes glistening from the water, and he smiled. He said, "I'm glad I came by here today. I get to see you." Not knowing what to say, I just smiled, and he said, "it's okay that you're shy, I still want to take you out tonight. Will you come to see a movie with me?" My dream had come true, and I was a nervous nut. I blurted louder than needed, "Yes, I'll go with you." He laughed because he knew he was making me nervous. Then I laughed, too, and we swam off across the pool.

500-word challenge … a summer you'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy the mood and color of the story. A familiar part of our past. Hat


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