the time between by Karen White

I’ve started reading The Time Between by Karen White who happens to be one of many authors who I thoroughly enjoy reading. 

I don't normally write my thoughts about a book until I've completed reading it but I can't help but try to put into writing the feelings this book conjures. I’m less than a quarter of the way through and I am already in desperate love with the character Gigi, a young girl who it seems is really quite an old soul, wise beyond years. The use of language makes you want to highlight every line and commit to memory those that turn your heart inside out but mostly the writing and the story is absorbing in the same way a beautiful sunset can hold you hostage until it fades to dark

I’m always in awe of this author’s talent but this particular book is already making its way to my list of books to be savored and remembered like a homemade chocolate sweet.

“It was as if two souls lived within his skin, separate but not. But maybe everybody was like that, all of us living the lives we had while dreaming of the lives we wanted.” ~P 42.


#KarenWhiteAuthor #Reviews

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